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<acronym dropzone="pScOmb30"> <sup dir="ImrJ"></sup> </acronym> 2024-12-13 13:29:32

On Monday, it broke the 5-day line and closed at 3,400 points. At the same time, the volume can be in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion, with a maximum of 3,426 points. The volume energy has not increased, and it will continue to fluctuate according to the closing logic.However, the good news after the closing has changed today's trend, which is an unexpected situation. A50, Hong Kong stocks rose sharply, and the market is expected to open around 3480 points today. It is necessary to focus on whether 3509 points above 3480 points can be broken and whether the quantity can keep up. If it can keep up, it can be established that the benefits will be recognized. If it can't keep up, there will be an old routine of high opening and low walking. From the news on Monday and then, we can see that this positive impact is no less than that of 9.24, so we can be optimistic for the time being. As for how to operate, we can only wait and see. It is not so easy to break through 3600 points in the short term, and the interval trend can only be moved up, but not crossed. After all, positive cashing happens from time to time. It is a long-term way to break through one interval and stand firm, and it is not advisable to skyrocket and plummet.On Monday, it broke the 5-day line and closed at 3,400 points. At the same time, the volume can be in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion, with a maximum of 3,426 points. The volume energy has not increased, and it will continue to fluctuate according to the closing logic.

However, the good news after the closing has changed today's trend, which is an unexpected situation. A50, Hong Kong stocks rose sharply, and the market is expected to open around 3480 points today. It is necessary to focus on whether 3509 points above 3480 points can be broken and whether the quantity can keep up. If it can keep up, it can be established that the benefits will be recognized. If it can't keep up, there will be an old routine of high opening and low walking. From the news on Monday and then, we can see that this positive impact is no less than that of 9.24, so we can be optimistic for the time being. As for how to operate, we can only wait and see. It is not so easy to break through 3600 points in the short term, and the interval trend can only be moved up, but not crossed. After all, positive cashing happens from time to time. It is a long-term way to break through one interval and stand firm, and it is not advisable to skyrocket and plummet.Lao Shen's Chat-What to do after opening higher-1210Lao Shen's Chat-What to do after opening higher-1210

However, the good news after the closing has changed today's trend, which is an unexpected situation. A50, Hong Kong stocks rose sharply, and the market is expected to open around 3480 points today. It is necessary to focus on whether 3509 points above 3480 points can be broken and whether the quantity can keep up. If it can keep up, it can be established that the benefits will be recognized. If it can't keep up, there will be an old routine of high opening and low walking. From the news on Monday and then, we can see that this positive impact is no less than that of 9.24, so we can be optimistic for the time being. As for how to operate, we can only wait and see. It is not so easy to break through 3600 points in the short term, and the interval trend can only be moved up, but not crossed. After all, positive cashing happens from time to time. It is a long-term way to break through one interval and stand firm, and it is not advisable to skyrocket and plummet.Lao Shen's Chat-What to do after opening higher-1210However, the good news after the closing has changed today's trend, which is an unexpected situation. A50, Hong Kong stocks rose sharply, and the market is expected to open around 3480 points today. It is necessary to focus on whether 3509 points above 3480 points can be broken and whether the quantity can keep up. If it can keep up, it can be established that the benefits will be recognized. If it can't keep up, there will be an old routine of high opening and low walking. From the news on Monday and then, we can see that this positive impact is no less than that of 9.24, so we can be optimistic for the time being. As for how to operate, we can only wait and see. It is not so easy to break through 3600 points in the short term, and the interval trend can only be moved up, but not crossed. After all, positive cashing happens from time to time. It is a long-term way to break through one interval and stand firm, and it is not advisable to skyrocket and plummet.

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